
Experimentation is part of the mission of the club. We experiment to increase our knowledge and make us better brewers. In an effort to put more rigor around our process we implemented a defined experiment methodology. The methodology allows us to better gather, retain and retrieve the knowledge that the club has generated.

The core of this process is a protocol put together by Tyler Bye. The protocol can be found here: NBA Experiment Protocol Template

Use this template when designing and running an experiment that you are presenting to the membership. Once complete, provide a digital copy to the Executive Committee.

The results of these experiments are presented in the education session of a normal monthly meeting.

Any person in the club can initiate an experiment, the only requirement is that you get sponsorship from an Executive Committee Member. From there you can run the experiment as you see fit.

We hope you will start an experiment of your own to share with the club membership!

Check back here from time to time as new experiments will be posted as they are generated.

This section also contains older experiments.
