BAMF Meeting 5 June 2012

Here’s what went down at the June BAMF meeting, held at Pracna.

Atttendance: Andrew N, Grant W, Nathan G, Tim S, Tyler B, Steve M, Matt P, Nick P

Meeting location

Due to recent events, for the time being we cannot have our all-club meetings at Pracna since we cannot serve homebrew there.  But don’t fret!  We have a substitute location!  The East Side Neighborhood building is available for us to use, free of charge.  This is also the location of the Single Hop Experiment in July.  The location will provide with ample space and a kitchen.  The downside is that we will not have a full selection of tap beers, so tastings may become part of the entire meeting.  If someone knows of another bar location that would welcome us, we are not closing the door to that possibility.

Farmers Market Update:

Our first weekend went incredibly well, and we reached out and had seven new members join.  Check out some pictures Dan took here  [fixed link].  Over the next three weekends, we want to continue our recruitment efforts, so if anyone else wants to help out, let us know on the email threads. 

June 30th BBQ update:

Grant will be sending out an email form to fill out so we can get a head count, as well as determine the entries for our <6% contest.  Please be sure to respond ASAP!  Grant will also be updating the blog with how we are judging the contest so there aren’t any questions. 

The majority of food for this BBQ will be paid for by club funds.  However, if you want to bring a dish to show off your cooking prowess, or just want to help out, please do. 

Reminder for the event (4:00pm – ??), it is for members and family/significant others.  If you want to bring a bunch of people, they will need to become members.  Also, NO DOGS!  There will be one there who is super friendly with people, but doesn’t like to share his territory.

SHE (Single Hop Experiment):

Due to the popularity this event should have, it is going to be for members only and the select pro brewers that have already been invited.  If all members show up, we are looking at nearly 40 people as it is.  If you know someone who really wants to come to the meeting, get them to sign up as a member and reap the rewards! 

Due to the number of people who will want to try the many beers, plan on bringing at least 12-12oz. bottles or any 144oz equivalent.  The last thing we want is to run out of samples.  We will be planning on 2oz pours for samples.

Since we will not be at a restaurant and we will be consuming copious samples of amazing beer, we will need food.  We decided to turn this event into a potluck dinner as well.  This is the most effective way to feed the troops.  A sign-up sheet will be available at the BBQ, and then on the Google Groups thread thereafter.

Big River Brewfest Homebrew Competition:

A committee meeting will be set up soon; we are still welcoming more members who want to help with this.  Nick P is the committee chair, and there is way too much for one person to do.  It looks like the judging will take place prior to the brewfest, and we will use the brewfest to announce the winners. 

At this point, the website is under development, but start spreading the word to other homebrewers via forums, emails, whatever you have at your disposal!

Jockey Box:

As a future endeavor, the club will pursue a larger, 4+ tap jockey box to have for events and club use.  The cost is probably around $300 for this creation, which may prohibit us from having one on hand for a while.  Until then, if anyone wants to build one themselves and let the club use it…