December 19 Meeting Notes

Here are the notes from the December 19th meeting. We hope to see everyone soon in 2014!

2014 Membership

We will be taking membership dues starting at the January meeting/party.  Dues are again $20, and hopefully you have reaped the benefits during the last year.  About January…

Thursday Jan 16, 7:00pm

During our regular Thursday evening meeting, we will taste round 2 of the yeast experiment.

Saturday Jan 18 12:00pm-4:00pm

Our year-end celebration will be held at North Loop Wine & Spirits, in the basement.  We will talk about what we accomplished last year, what we set to do this year, and have a merry time.  Please RSVP here if you will be in attendance and what you will be bringing.  It’s a pot luck, so whip up something tasty!  We will also have our club-only strong beer competition.  The beer must have been brewed in 2013, and be over 7% ABV.  You need a 6-pack or equivalent volume.  Judging is based on popular vote.

CTC Experiment

Brad sent in a case of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal to the meeting.  A small number of members have decided to figure out a way to brew with the cereal.  Beers will be ready for March.  Perhaps some will make it in to a future meeting….

Barrel Project Update

2.0 – The RIS was emptied last weekend.  Loads of red wine were imparted into the beer, it’s definitely something unique.  The barrel was filled with an American Barleywine for version 2.1.

The Wee Heavy and Rye Saison both need to be emptied from the barrel.  Since we don’t have a full brew ready to go in, the barrels will be emptied and filled with an acid wash to preserve them.  The target date to empty the barrels is January 11th.  Details will be sent out to those involved on the email threads.

The Flanders is still aging quite comfortably in its oaky abode.

ESNS Donation

The club is happy to announce we were able to donate a check for $375.00 to the ESNS at the meeting.  Mary Astnett was in attendance to take the donation.  The donation represents 50% of profits from our annual BJCP Homebrew Competition.  Thank you ESNS for helping us over the years, and for all the good you do in the community!

Yeast Experment: Sensory Judging– Part 1

Nine beers, all brewed from the same wort, were sampled at the meeting.  Each participant completed a subjective data assessment for the beers.  Currently we are working on entering the data, and we will have cool graphs showing how each yeast changes the beer based on crowd sourced data.  Full data analysis will be coming soon, but it’s crazy how different the yeast strains changed the beer!

Yeast tasting